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The Walking Dead Season One 1.08

The Walking Dead Season One 1.08's Description
The walking dead season one is a five part game series set in the same universe as Robert’s award winning series. Play as Lee a dangerous criminal who has awarded a second chance at life in a world. In these way survivors nothing to stop him and maintain his safety to protecting a cute orphaned girl and her name is Clementine may offer him in a world gone to hell. This is a story of Deputy Sheriff Rica Grimes who has suffered with dangerous events in his life and face many difficult challenges and obstacles in his life. This game is full of action, choices and decisions which will affect how story plays out across the entire series. One’s get a year’s awards who had played and win over 90 games. There is 5 episodes plus special episode of 400 days. You should choose better decision because your story depends on your choice. You should save over 35% additional episodes by purchasing the season pass and gain access to Episodes 2-5. The system requirements are,

you system has minimum space like Adriano 200 series and for Mali 400 series. CPU should be dual core with 1GHZ. And memory with ram should be 1GHZ. You should play this adventure with these recommended requirements with lot of fun and share this with your friends and other players of the world.

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The Walking Dead Season One 1.08 The Walking Dead Season One 1.08 Reviewed by Unknown on 04:32:00 Rating: 5

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