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Water Jug Fun Puzzle Android Mobile Game Free Download

The minds boggling puzzle game based on the classic water jug puzzle. With it’s truly but addictive rules, the game will make you feel puzzled and will entertain you a lot with challenging levels! Better than most water games with nice graphics and game play.
How to play:
You have two jugs. One jug has capacity 5 liters and other jug has capacity 3 liters. You have an unlimited supply of water from the beautiful well. For help you will be provided one more well where you can only drain extra water.
Your task is to pour out exactly 4 liters water in a big jug using two jug and two wells. Drag the jugs to empty or fill them. In an attempt of filling or emptying each jug you get a game in which every move counts. To check your efficiency of solving the water puzzle you will be shown your move count and the expected move count in the end of the game.
As level changes you have to pour different liters of water in big jug whose capacity also changes respectively, like in level 1 you have to pour 4 liters, in 3rd level you have to pour 8 liters and so on.
Do you think you can complete all the levels in the minimum number of moves? Try it for yourself! If you like water game, thinking games, water logic, jugs problem, underwater games, puzzles and Mazes which have loads of Challenges and fun then you must try this out!


1. A very simple and classic yet addicting user interface.
2. 6 unique and challenging Levels (ALL levels are Free).
4. Engaging HD graphics, animations and great voice-overs.
5. Develops concentration and focus.
6. No language barrier – can be played and understood by entire world.
7. Easy best time and move count tracking
8. Hours to enjoy for FREE!!

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Water Jug Fun Puzzle Android Mobile Game Free Download Water Jug Fun Puzzle Android Mobile Game Free Download Reviewed by Unknown on 23:16:00 Rating: 5

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